Photos by Steve Hopper

You can contact us through the form at the bottom of this page.
Get involved
- You don't need to live in the parish but any bird records you submit must be !
- Submit as few or as many sightings as you wish - every record adds to our knowledge
- Record sightings in your garden, out walking, at work or any other occasion
- We need records of rare and common birds so don't ignore Blue Tits or Starlings
The January 2025 Brent Bird Survey is happening!!
It's very easy to do - simply spot and record birds seen in your garden or any of the 52 kilometre squares in South Brent Parish and let us have the results at the end of the January. Forms and guidelines downloads are in the box on the left of this page. If you have any questions use the form at the bottom of this page. GOOD BIRDING.
Our Next Talk will be on ..... tbd..
NEW!!! Brent Birders Monthly Newsletter
aka Reay's Random Records
Each month Peter will publish some of the highlights of the previous month's records - all forms of wildlife, - both birds and non-birds - garnered from our monthly meetings in the SSB Hub in the Old School Community Centre. These informal meetings are open to all and are held at 3pm on the first Tuesday of each month.
Newsletter list archive:
September 2024
October/November 2024​
Here's the latest newsletter content:​
Interesting bird records from South Brent parish during Oct and Nov were as follows:
•Barn Owl. Several sightings from Whinfield, Brent Hill and Overbrent.
•Black Redstart. One in the village on 27 Oct was the only record, in spite of much searching.
•Cormorant. Two flew into Avon Dam from downriver on 11 Oct.
•Firecrest. Two in Clobells in late Nov.
•Golden Plover. A flock of 250 in the Three Barrows area on 15 Oct, and 15 flew N over Stidston later in the month.
•Goosander. Max roost counts at Avon Dam were four in Oct and 19 in Nov. Three were on the river at Avonwick in late Nov. A synchronized Devon roost count of 16 Nov found 72, of which 16 were at Avon Dam.
•Fieldfare. Very scarce this autumn. One on the churchyard yew on 9 Oct was the first of few, with a max count of only 10 at Great Palstone on 21 Nov.
•Herring Gull. Max count was at least 200 feeding in the barley field off Palstone Lane in late Nov and resting in the grass field on the other side of Portford Lane. Ten, probably the village population, seen together on a Clobells roof on 21 Oct.
•House Sparrows. No longer present in a Harwell Lane garden, where there used to be 30+.
•Jackdaw. Plenty around as usual, including a bunch who took all the apples from a tree in Springfield Road. At least 100 among the corvids feeding in the Palstone Lane barley field.
•Kingfisher. One at Avon Dam on 12 Oct was a site (and square) first.
•Mallard. Max of only eight, at Avon Dam on 4 Oct suggests a scarcity this autumn.
•Merlin. One flew across fields at Portford Lane on 21 Nov.
•Redwing. Several records of small numbers from 4 Oct onwards, peaking in the third week of Oct, when 100s were seen at various locations, followed by only a few records in Nov.
•Reed Bunting. Two on Brent Hill on 18 Oct was a site (and square) first. Also seen in small groups at more usual sites below Avon Dam and at Dockwell.
•Ring Ouzel. Several records in the Avon Valley from 4 Oct, but with a max count of only four. Other records from Dockwell on 10 Oct, Brent Hill on 19 Oct and Glaze Valley (three) on 31 Oct. Last was at Avon Dam on 16 Nov.
•Song Thrush. One singing on Brent Hill on 14 Oct was the only record of autumn thrush song.
•Siskin. Back using feeders in a Moorland Park garden in Nov after an absence during most of Sep and Oct. Ditto Bullfinch.
•Snipe. Four flushed at Dockwell on 10 Oct.
•Sparrowhawk. Several records including one taking a Starling at edge of Palston barley field near dusk on 27 Nov.
•Starling. In addition to around 50 in the village (probably the ones that roost in the Plymouth Road bamboos), there have been larger feeding flocks in stubble near the top of Forder Lane and in unharvested barley off Palstone Lane. The former started off with a few hundred in late Oct, increasing to an estimated 2,000 in Nov and still present at the end of the month. Up to 1,000 were at Palstone for about a week in late Nov. All these birds flew in the Marley direction at around 16:00 to an unknown roost site.
•Teal. Max counts at Avon Dam were four in Oct and 23 in Nov.
•Woodpigeon. Only a couple of sightings of small (<100) migrating flocks in early Nov, but at least 200 were feeding in the Palstone barley field at the end of the month.
•Yellowhammer. At least five in hedge in Palstone Lane on 30 Nov, with Chaffinches and House Sparrows.
Thanks to Nicky Cozens, Phil Dean, Richard Finnemore, Paul Heatley, Sylvia & Pete Hamilton, Kerry Honnor, Mike Goss, Mike Ingram, Chris Klee, John Luscombe, Dave MacDiarmid, Ken Neal, Gaynor & Adrian Platt, Dave Scott, George Welch and Devon Birds website for additional records. Please submit any interesting records for December by the end of the month, either via the website or to
Brent Birders January and May 2024 -

The South Brent Parish Bird Survey (SBPBS) began in 2014, and now monitors the birds of the parish, in both winter and the breeding season, by ensuring that all 52 1-km squares are visited at least once each January and May to record the species seen and heard. In 2024, around 20 observers paid 199 square visits in January and 253 in May, producing 1,790 and 3,263 records respectively, the numbers of square visits being the highest for both months since the survey began. Another feature of the year was that it was the first in which there was widespread use of Merlin, the bird id app, on mobile phones. Observers were advised to only record ‘Merlin birds’ if they had also seen or heard the bird themselves, but it almost certainly enhanced the detection of some species, such as Goldcrest and Treecreeper, especially in May.
The report can be downloaded here (pdf format)
The following submitted square visit records in 2024: Jo Brooks, John & Sylvia Caddick, Julia & Michael Cady, Nicky Cozens, John Day, Phil Dean, Mike Goss, Reg & Kath Hambly, Sylvia & Pete Hamilton, Paul Heatley, Kerry Honnor, Steve Hopper, Leonard Hurrell, Mike Ingram, Dave MacDiarmid, Andy & Chris Morgan, Richard Oram, Dave Pakes, Gaynor & Adrian Platt and Peter Reay. Casual records were also received from Laurette Guest, Lesley Austin, John Luscombe, Dave Scott, John Widdicombe and Mike Wilson. Thanks to all.
Brent Bird Survey - 10 Year Summary
We previewed the 10-year celebratory survey to you at the talk by Richard Archer in May 2024. Now here it is in glorious technicolour available for you to read on your screen or to download, print out and treasure for ever!!
It shows the distribution and phenology of all 143 bird species recorded in the ten years of the bird survey. ​​Our thanks go to all of you for your hard work in collecting the data essential to this survey.
The Birds of South Brent Parish
before, during and beyond the 2014–16 survey
Our book "The Birds of South Brent Parish" was published in March 2018, and although it included records from 2017 and early 2018, it is now out of date by nearly five years. We have now produced an Addendum to accompany the latest small print run of the book.
The Addendum includes:
Additions to the parish list from historical records
Other taxa recorded only since 2017, but not added to the parish list
Additions to the parish list since the publication of TBOSBP
Species on the parish list recorded since 2017, but not during 2014–17
Other notable records since 2017
Notable additional breeding records since 2017
The occurrence of non-annual species 2014–2022
New monthly occurrences
Gains and losses, ups and downs
The focus is on additions to the parish list and records of other rare and scarce species since 2017, but also includes occurrences in new months, new breeding records and some other observations of change. Additional records now bring the parish bird species total to a remarkable 165.
If you already have a copy of "The Birds of South Brent Parish" or plan to buy one of our new limited print run or would just like to see an overview of the birds recorded on the parish you can download the Addendum pdf here.​

Since the start of the Brent Bird Survey in 2014 several exciting reports have been written summarising sightings of new and exotic species in the parish as well as those which are rather more familar but equally exciting. These reports can be downloaded from the links below (BBS = Brent Bird Survey ; BBGBS = Brent Birders Garden Bird Survey):
A crib sheet for breeding codes, grid references and square numbers
This Crib Sheet may be useful to all observers out there. It converts between Ordnance Grid References and the square numbering used by the Brent Bird Survey. It shows the geographic layout of the squares. It also shows the codes to be used in the breeding part of the survey.
I print it out in A6 size as this fits neatly inside the back cover of my field notebook but you can resize it to whatever page size you wish. If you're not sure how to do this let me (Phil) know. You can reach me either directly or via the "Contact Us" form at the bottom of this web page.
You can download the Crib Sheet here.
Contact us:
Please feel free to send your comments, questions or feedback via the form below
© 2014 by South Brent Bird Group Proudly created with
Parish Map - pdf
2025 Bird Recording Form -
2025 Non-Bird Recording Form -
2025 Recording Guidelines - pdf
Observers Crib Sheet - pdf
Brent Bird Survey Report 2014 - pdf
Brent Bird Survey Report 2015 - pdf
Brent Bird Survey Report 2016 - pdf
Thanks to the BTO for permission to use their photographs on the results charts
Thanks to Steve Hopper and Keith Male for permission to use their bird photographs on this site.

Click on the links below to go directly to the latest survey data.
Survey Overview: