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The Non-bird Survey:

Photos by Phil Dean

If you are interested in recording mammals, reptiles, amphibians and/or butterflies in the parish please use the Non-birds Recording Form 2015.


  • This form is simpler than the Bird Recording Forms as we are just interested in the squares in which the different species are recorded, irrespective of month and numbers.

  • Just enter a ‘P’ for presence in the appropriate cell of the form

  • An added comment will be useful for the more unusual records.

  • Also add comments if you have identified the actual species of bat, mouse, shrew, vole or newt.

  • Blank spaces are also available for any additional species.

  • Note that for some of these groups you may not actually see the animal alive, but will rely on road-kills and other corpses, or signs such as otter spraints, other poo, badger sets, mole hills, deer tracks, sloughed snake skins, frog spawn, etc.

  • There's a useful ID guide by Butterfly Conservation at the Big Butterfly Count web site.  Note, however, that the guide doesn't include several species you may well see in the parish - eg silver-washed fritillary, small heath, orange tip, small skipper.

 Non-bird records by square up to DECEMBER 2016 -

to scroll left or right for other squares hover over the image and click the arrow 

© 2014 by South Brent Bird Group Proudly created with



Parish Map - pdf


2025 Bird Recording Form -

       pdf or Excel (xlsx or xls)


2025 Non-Bird Recording Form -

      pdf or Excel (xlsx or xls)


2025 Recording Guidelines - pdf


Observers Crib Sheet - pdf


Brent Bird Survey Report 2014 - pdf


Brent Bird Survey Report 2015 - pdf


Brent Bird Survey Report 2016 - pdf


  • Thanks to the BTO for permission to use their photographs on the results charts

  • Thanks to Steve Hopper and Keith Male for permission to use their bird photographs on this site.

Click on the links below to go directly to the latest survey data.


Survey Overview:

Parish Map

Species Count

Surveyor Coverage

Non-bird Survey


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