Survey Results:
The Brent Bird Survey results will be published on this website as they become available each month over the three years of he survey project.
All of the results charts can be selected by clicking on the appropriate link at the left of any page of the web site.
Parish Map - shows the layout and numbering of the kilometre squares in the parish.
Species Count - A cumulative summary mapping the number of species per kilometre square (see below). This also shows a month by month bar chart of the total number of species observed in the parish.
Surveyor Coverage - A summary of the number of observers in the field collecting data cumulatively by square and collectively across the parish month-by-month
Non-Bird Survey - birds are the main focus of the survey but butterflies, reptiles, amphibians and mammals are also being recorded. These results will be published each year.
Bird Distribution Spreadsheets - the survey data can be viewed in a tabular format or can be downloaded.
Bird Species Maps - A chart is also dedicated to each species showing the cumulative abundance of the species in each square across thee parish. This chart also shows the number of squares where the species has been observed on a month-by-month basis. It additionally shows where there is evidence of the species breeding (indicated by a yellow shading inn the appropriate square and on the bar chart. Where the species has only been observed flying over this is indicated by blue shading.

© 2014 by South Brent Bird Group Proudly created with
Parish Map - pdf
2025 Bird Recording Form -
2025 Non-Bird Recording Form -
2025 Recording Guidelines - pdf
Observers Crib Sheet - pdf
Brent Bird Survey Report 2014 - pdf
Brent Bird Survey Report 2015 - pdf
Brent Bird Survey Report 2016 - pdf
Thanks to the BTO for permission to use their photographs on the results charts
Thanks to Steve Hopper and Keith Male for permission to use their bird photographs on this site.

Click on the links below to go directly to the latest survey data.
Survey Overview: